Interface TonConnectOptions

TonConnect constructor options


  • TonConnectOptions


disableAutoPauseConnection?: boolean

Allows to disable auto pause/unpause SSE connection on 'document.visibilitychange' event. It is not recommended to change default behaviour.

eventDispatcher?: EventDispatcher<SdkActionEvent>

Event dispatcher to track user actions. By default, it uses window.dispatchEvent for browser environment.

manifestUrl?: string

Url to the [manifest] with the Dapp metadata that will be displayed in the user's wallet. If not passed, manifest from ${window.location.origin}/tonconnect-manifest.json will be taken.

storage?: IStorage

Storage to save protocol data. For browser default is localStorage. If you use SDK with nodeJS, you have to specify this field.

walletsListCacheTTLMs?: number

Wallets list cache time to live



walletsListSource?: string

Redefine wallets list source URL. Must be a link to a json file with [following structure]

Default @

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